Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can't Get Away

(Author: Silas Forrester)

"Can't get away, can't get away, can't get away, can't get away, I can't get away, can't get away, I keep on runnin' into you." 

This is the chorus to a song called, 'Can't get away' by Rush Of Fools. This is a very powerful song and means so much. As a Christian it is impossible to get away from God. God created you so He knows everything about you. Psalm 139:7-12 backs up this statement. It is impossible to escape the presence of God and honestly I do not see why you would want too. God is where you get your Salvation, your love, your joy, and really everything. As a matter of fact, He is your all and you have nothing with out God!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Armor of God

(Author: Brandon Simpson)

Paul knew that life was not a struggle against people, but against Satan and his army of devils.  They are constantly acting to destroy your happiness in God.  Justin Robinson of J-ROB Productions put together what I think is the best visualisation of the principles of Ephesians 6:10-20 that is available and he posted it for free!

After you watch the video, be sure to also check out Justin's website J-ROB Productions.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

God Of The City

(Author: Donald Shockley)

This is a great song with an incredible message.  When I first heard this song I loved it. It is a great mission song and  it points us to the greatness of God and His sovereignty.  Part of why this song is so awesome is how it was written. Check out the videos below that explain how it was written. 

 I hope that this will change the was you listen to the song but more than that I hope it changes and enlarges the way you look at the God who created you and how He reaches out to humanity.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hosanna, What??

(Author: Donald Shockley)

By Paul Baloche

When I first heard this song I did not think it would be a song that I would do. Not that it is not a good song or that the melody was bad but it seemed to be missing something to me. I listened to several more times and still nothing. But then I did a little research on the word “Hosanna” and where it was used in scripture. After that time in study it gave me a whole new perspective on the song. So here is what I found.

The word “Hosanna” means “God Save” you find this word used in gospel of Mark 11:9. In this passage (Mark 11:1-9) we see the “Triumphal Entry” of Christ into the city of Jerusalem. The people are lining the street laying down palm branches and spreading their garments out before Him, saying “Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD” “Blessed is the coming of the Kingdom of our father David”

This is an amazing passage, the people are shouting out “Hosanna”, God saves” they where looking for a Savior and they thought that He was coming to save them now. They wanted an immediate salvation but God knew that they needed more than and immediate, earthly salvation they needed eternal salvation.

Now put that in perspective of this song. Just as the people where lining the streets shouting Hosanna, our praise is raising to the Father singing “Hosanna, God Save Us”. And He does, through Christ. He saves us into eternal salvation, He saves us daily and gives us strength for each day and He is saving us for His eternal glory.

Take a moment and watch this video of the song and Think about what it says and think how you can cry out Hosanna.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sign ups for free time activities at Meltdown

Meltdown 2010 is almost upon us!  Please check this list of things that you can sign up to do during your free time in Pigeon Forge!

Sign up this Sunday in the Storehouse for your Free Time activity at Meltdown.

Choices are:
1.) Ober Gatlinburg – Amusement Park with ice skating, bungee run, chairlift ride, etc.
2.)Ripley’s Aquarium
3.)Remain at hotel

Cost: $26 – to include activity and Sunday lunch from McAlister’s -OR- $6 if you plan on staying at conference center for Sunday lunch from McAlister’s

Please turn in money to Jonathan/Kim Chasteen or Scott/Joye Garrett by Wednesday, January 20, in the Storehouse.

Additional money necessary for Meltdown shirts, Krispy Kreme, etc.

Also, make sure to sign up for Ham, Turkey, or Roast Beef sandwich from McAlister’s on Sunday.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Necessity of Prayer

(Author: Ken Forrester)

If you are a student, you are in an incredible position to impact your world in a powerful way. Maybe you are wondering “How is that possible?” You, your family, your friends, and your world can be affected by simply praying every day.

I know that your days are busy. There is a lot of pressure on you.  You know, the tension with trying to make the grades, sports, home life, relationships, and trying to earn some spending money to name a few.  You could even be thinking, “I don’t have time to pray.” You are not alone.

Many people feel like there is not enough time in the day to stop and talk to God. But when we don’t take the time to spend time with Him every day in prayer, we miss hearing the most important voice. We need God’s wisdom and guidance to lead us in the most important and profitable ways. It seems to me that life with all its business is part of the enemy’s plan designed to keep us from spending time with the Creator of this amazing universe. If you are too busy to pray---you are too busy! It will cause you to get in on good things but miss out on the best the Father has planned for your life.

Sometimes I see this same thing happen in my own life with my family. As a pastor, there is so many who need me and are looking for direction in life. People have questions and difficulties and are not sure what to do. It can be overwhelming. Now don’t get me wrong—I love what I do and know that this is God’s call on my life. But it can take its toll on my family.

They know when I am becoming too busy and distant. I hear statements like, “Dad, where have you been? Why didn’t you eat supper with us? You said that you would play a game with me but you were not here.” Ouch! It is no secret when I become overwhelmed and distant with the family. The same is true with my walk with Christ. He knows that I have not talked with Him. He knows that I have not taken the time to just sit as His feet and hear His heart. He knows when I get so busy that I try to live in the power of the flesh instead of drawing on His supernatural strength and power. What I am trying to say is that prayer will keep you close. We all need that. The Word says, “For without Me you can do nothing.”

Our goal is life is not to be busy but to know His purpose for life. Staying close to God in prayer allows us to share with the Father our deepest feelings and the desires of our hearts. Hey don’t forget this---the Father created you, He truly loves you, He is committed on giving you the very best, and He has a most amazing purpose for your existence. It is only through a close and intimate relationship with Christ that this becomes a reality. This closeness does not mean that you will never have issues---life will always be full of challenges. What it does mean is that when tough times come you don’t have to go through the difficulties alone. He is there. The sovereign God of the universe desires to be close—close enough to lead and guide you through the difficulties. He will walk with you in the valleys. He will walk with you in the storm. He will give you His grace and will change the circumstance or even better—He will use the circumstance to change you! But none of this just happens—not without prayer!

When you find yourself “staying close and staying clean” (I heard a really awesome preacher say this—ha,ha) by finding yourself in the Word and talking to the Father, you will discover who He is and who you were created to be. You will begin to understand the Father’s purpose for the life He has given you.
So why not commit yourself to spending some quiet time before the Lord today? It will not be time wasted. It will be time well spent getting to know our awesome God. You will find that spending time in prayer will make you day better and you will find that you can handle the pressures of life much better when God leads the way. Prayer changes everything!

Friday, January 8, 2010

What are we here for?

(Author: Brandon Simpson)

About 350 years ago, a bunch of Christians got together to figure out what they all believed and write it out for future generations. The product of that meeting is one of the most useful tools for understanding your faith that exists today: The Westminster Shorter Catechism. It is a series of 107 questions and answers along with Bible references to explain the answers. The very first question they asked was essentially why are we here? Why were we created? What is our purpose in life? The answer may surprise you.

“Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone
who is called by my name, who I created for my glory.” (Isaiah 43:6-7)

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
(1 Corinthians 10:31 NLT)

God created us for His glory! That was the understanding of the Catechisers as well. They answered the first and most important question by saying our purpose in life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever! What a wonderful purpose! Therefore, if you are a believer, do everything for the glory of God. Everything. That means be the best student you can be for the glory of God. The best athlete, the best son or daughter, the best brother or sister, the best actor or friend or house cleaner or artist, all for the glory of God. To do anything less would be to waste your life.

If you are interested in learning more about the Westminster Shorter Catechism you can find it here. The language can be kind of difficult, but it really is worth thinking about to see a little more of what we believe and why.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

High School Impact Weekend!

Go ahead and mark your calendars for high school Impact Weekend 10!  It will be held on the weekend of March 11-14.  You absolutely, positively must be there if you are in grades 9-12.  If you're not sure about it, talk to some of the students who have been in the past.  They will ALL tell you how awesome it is to dig into God's word with a small group of friends and come out changed.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010



Monday, January 4, 2010

The Strange Way God Arranges to Forgive

(Author: Brandon Simpson)

The Strange Way God Arranges to Forgive

I encourage you to check out this link to the Desiring God blog.  It is a post written by John Piper on how God chose to forgive Job's friends through Job praying for them.  With our church wide emphasis on prayer, this is an important point to consider, that your prayer might be what is needed for a lost person to be saved or a brother or sister in Christ to escape the consequences of their foolishness.